Sustainable production

Quality, sustainable production in the Gedeo highlands.

  • High quality at all levels of production. Washed and dry processed natural Yirgacheffe green coffee beans from Ethiopian Gedeo highlands.
  • Sustainably grown under the shade tree canopy that has been maintained indigenously by the Gedeo people for centuries.
  • 100% Arabica. 100% Yirgacheffe with traceability back to micro-region.

Organic coffee

The coffee produced by the member farmers is organic by default:

  • The principles of agroforestry are an indigenous practice at the core of Gedeo farmers’ traditional way of farming coffee.
  • Argo-forestry preserves biodiversity, has better soil management, is less water intensive and contributes to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration.

As a seal of trust and quality for our buyers, we have also secured Organic, Fairtrade & Rainforest Alliance Certifications to ensure best coffee practices and quality.


We prioritize traceability!

  • We have a coffee sourcing base of over 43,000 coffee producing farmers spread over 62,000 hectares of land.
  • To ensure coffee bean data capture, traceability of the beans back to specific source of origin is a must.
  • We have an effective traceability system in place that allows us to trace back to micro-region of origin, and in some cases, farm of origin.

This is a priority requirement for us and our buyers.

Quality Management

Managing Quality at Every Step

Our union has a well-oiled system for managing the quality aspect of the product from farm gate to export. We provide training and support on:

  • Quality at washing, pulping, handling, storage and sampling levels.
  • Business management.
  • Agronomy for best practices in the farm.


Members of the Alliances for Action Network

YCFCU is part of the International Trade Centre’s Alliances for Action network and community.

Alliances for Action provide support in:

  • Linking us up with new markets and buyers.
  • Training on coffee roasting for the development of our own roasted product for both the international and domestic market (currently available).
  • Training on marketing and communication targeted to each market segment and destination.

We recently had successful trips to international coffee fairs in Toyo and Seoul through Alliances for Action, where we secured new buyers from the Asian market.

From Farm to Cup

From our farm to your cup

  • Our quality focus and attention to detail is to ensure our consumers experience our coffee at its best.
  • Our sustainability focus is to ensure our farmers can have better incomes and think long-term.
  • We want to allow our beans to reach new markets and buyers worldwide, so the Yirgacheffe experience can be experienced by all.